COVID Vaccinations


At All Saints Family Practice, all COVID-19 vaccines are given FREE for everyone in the community. Our practice does not charge you for the COVID-19 vaccine, or for your appointments to receive the vaccine.

To find out the latest information about COVID-19 vaccines and age eligibility for the different types of COVID Vaccinations, please click below !

You should book a separate appointment for health issues that do not relate to COVID-19 vaccination. If you consult our GP for issues not about the COVID-19 vaccination, you will not be charged any fee for that.

People are encouraged to rely on reputable sources of information to help them make informed choices and stay up-to-date on the latest information about COVID-19 vaccines. With new vaccine developments every day, it’s normal to have questions or concerns, and possibly feel hesitant about getting a vaccine.

Our Doctors take the time to explain your suitability to each covid vaccine available and provide you with in-depth clinical assessments regarding your health risks and benefits associated with receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

For more information about how we can help you with COVID-19 vaccines , please speak with our Receptionist.

We look forward to supporting you !

Alternatively, you can call us on: 02 9066 4242


AGPAL accredited


Managing Chronic Conditions