Frequently Asked Questions
Fees - Bulk billing available
We offer bulk billing if you bring in your valid Medicare & a ID card.
MASK mandatory
As per NSW health directive, MASK is compulsory. If you have a medical condition, please contact us on 02 9066 4242 to discuss alternative options such as telehealth.
On-site Parking
We have on site parking available for your convenience. Simply drive around the back of the clinic.
Referrals and Prescriptions
All referrals and prescriptions (new and repeat) require a consultation with a doctor. Please note that a referral is a legal document, it cannot be backdated or issued without a consultation with a Doctor. Your Doctor will determine if a referral is warranted. We ask all our patients not to misplace their referrals or attend your specialist appointment without one.
S8 Drugs Policy
Our doctors DO NOT prescribe S8 addictive drugs to any patients.
After-Hours Care
For emergencies please call 000.
For less critical but urgent medical attention, please ring Sydney Medical Service on 1300 466 347
Home visits are available on request for less mobile patients whose condition may restrict them from visiting the clinic. Private $100 gap per visit may apply.
Communication Policy
Our Doctors in the practice may be contacted during normal surgery hours. If the GP is a with a patient, a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when it is likely that the doctor will return your call. Your call will always be put through to the GP in an emergency.
We do not accept any requests for clinical information over email since we are unable to assess and examine your condition properly.
Results Policy
Requests for results are generally not given over the phone or email. Patients will need to make an appointment to see the doctor. Your doctor will advise you when the expected results will arrive at the practice.
Recall & Reminder System
Our practice is committed to preventative care. We may call or issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you wish do not wish to be a part of this system, please let us know at reception or with your Doctor.
Management of Patient Health Information
Our practice abides by the thirteen Australian Privacy Principles and ensures personal health information is held in strict confidence and only available to members of staff and authorised individuals.
We take your privacy very seriously and for this reason we:
will not give out patient details or medical information over the phone or email
will not disclose medical information to your partner or other family member unless specifically agreed
will not disclose medical information of a child aged 14 or over to a parent unless specifically agreed
Please note that according to legislation and Medicare rules a child aged 14 or over may attend a GP alone and consent to normal medical treatment without the parents knowledge or consent.
Change of Personal Details
Please advise our reception staff of any change of details as soon as possible. This is very important so we can contact you if necessary for any health-related matters.
Complaints & Feedback
You Spoke - We Listened…
We are always open to feedback from you about our service. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints very seriously so that we can improve and become a better practice.
Please feel free to talk to your doctor or our receptionists. If you prefer to write to us, please complete “Suggestions/Complaint Form” and drop this into our suggestions box available at Reception. Our practice will endeavour to respond to any suggestions within 24 – 48hours of receipt.
However if you wish to take the matter further and feel that you need to discuss the matter outside of the surgery there are several options available including contacting the (a) The Medical Registration Board (b) AMA or (c) Health Care Complaints Commission. You may ask our staff to provide the details of these organisations, or refer to see online information:
Zero Tolerance Policy
Our practice has a zero tolerance policy for any form of aggressive or intimidating behaviour, verbal or physical.
Any person acting in an aggressive or intimidating manner in person will be asked to leave the premises immediately, or if this occurs over the phone, the phone call will be ended immediately.
Our practice may no longer continue to provide ongoing medical care to any person who engages in any form of aggressive or intimidating behaviour and their medical records will be transferred to another medical practitioner nominated by the patient.
Non Smoking Policy
For the Health and Well being of our Patients, the practice has a strict non-smoking policy. Smoking is not allowed within the practice or in the immediate vicinity such as parking space. Your adherence to this policy would be appreciated.
Interpretation Service
Patients from non-English speaking backgrounds are able to contact 1800 555 660 or 131 450 to book an interpreter. (Private fee may apply)
Transfer of Medical Records
You can transfer your Medical Record from your current / previous clinic to All Saints Medical Practice to continue your care. Request a transfer of medical records form from one of our doctors or admin staff here.
Email Policy
Email is not a secure source of communication. We do not communicate any medical information by emails. If you request a copy of medical information, you will be asked for a fax number, postal address or to pick up from surgery.
If email is the only way to communicate. We request you download all attachments, delete the email as soon as possible to avoid any potential online security breaches. All Saints Medical Practice take no responsibility of security breaches.
Fee Policy and Consultation Pricing
For information and pricing on Bulk Billing, Medicare or Private Consultation Fees, please click on the relative ‘service’ button below, to download our Pricing (PDF) files.
Cancellation policy.
If you no longer need your appointment, please kindly phone - 02 9066 4242, to cancel your appointment. This will allow access for other patients in need.
Please provide 24 hours-notice, if you are unable to make a scheduled appointment, otherwise $50 – No show up fee, may apply.